Duomo di Siena

Siena’sDuomo was constructed from 1136 to 1382. Is a late Gothic church with early Renaissance painting and Baroque design. Early architects used striking Romanesque stripes but the form of the church is one of the best Gothic styles in Italy.

Originally designed to be the largest church in Christendom, The plan had to be altered because the plague of 1348 virtually halved the city’s population.

There are many masterpieces in the church including some from Donatello and Michelangelo. Other buildings include the Baptistry, the Museo Dell’Opera Metropolitano, and the Santa Maria della Scala hospital across the Square, where are 1440s frescoes in the wards depict a series of fascinating medieval hospital scenes.

The Campanile (tower) was added in 1313. The pulpit panels were carved by Nicola Paisano and 1265. And the extraordinary frescoes in the Piccolomini Library portray the life of Pope Pius II.

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